【課程編号】 0521401
【主講人】University of Calgary 加拿大王欣副教授
時間 | 地點 |
11月4日8:15~11:40 13:15~16:30 | 3415 |
11月5日8:15~11:40 13:15~16:30 | 3415 |
1. Introduction to Spatial Databases
1. 1 Overview
1.2 GIS and SDBMS
1.3 An Example of an SDBMS Application
2. Spatial Data Models and Indexing
2.1 Models of Spatial Information
2.1.1 Field-Based Model
2.1.2 Object-Based Models
2.1.3 Spatial Data Types
2.1.4 Operations on Spatial Objects
2.2 Spatial Indexing
2.2.1Grid Files
2.2.2 R-Trees
2.2.3 Cost Models
3. Spatial Networks
3.1 Example of Spatial Network Databases
3.2 Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models
3.3 Graph Algorithms
4. Introductions to Data Mining
4.1 Concept of Data Mining
4.2 Interesting Patterns
4.3 Example Applications
5 Spatial Data Mining
5.1 Motivation of Spatial Data Mining
5.2 Classification
5.3 Clustering
5.4 Association Rule Mining